Ex-CIC Boss Nyachae, Ex-Judiciary chiefs Amadi, Kissinger among key figures shortlisted for IEBC Chairperson Post » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya Mar 3 – Former Chief Registrar of the Judiciary, Anne Amadi, and former Chairman of the Commission on the Implementation of the Constitution, Charles Nyachae, are among 37 applicants shortlisted for the position of IEBC Chairperson.

Others on the list include Kenya Power Board Chairperson Joy Brenda Masinde-Mdivo, former Nairobi City Assembly Clerk Jacob Ngwele, and lawyer Duncan Ojwang.

A total of 1,319 individuals have been shortlisted for the position of IEBC Commissioners.

The selection panel is set to conduct interviews for the IEBC chairperson and commissioners before finalizing the process by April 25, 2025.

Following this, the panel will present two names for the position of IEBC Chairperson, from which President William Ruto will select one.

The selection panel will also present nine names for the positions of IEBC Commissioners, from which the President will choose six.

The panel for the recruitment of Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) officials has shortlisted 1,356 candidates for the positions of chairperson and commission members.

In a statement, Nelson Makanda, Chairperson of the Selection Panel for the recruitment of IEBC nominees, said the panel has shortlisted 37 candidates for the chairperson position, including six women and three individuals with disabilities.

Meanwhile, the panel has shortlisted 1,319 candidates for member positions.

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“Following the longlisting exercise, the Selection Panel shall now proceed to undertake the shortlisting process, the list of which will also be published soon before proceeding for the interviews,” said Makanda.

According to the statement,more applicants who expressed interest in becoming IEBC chairperson came from Homa Bay County with 5, followed by Kisii, Bungoma and Trans-Nzoia counties with three candidates.

Siaya, Nyeri and Baringo counties had two each while the rest had one or none.

Three are persons living with disabilities.

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